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Extraordinary Thanksgiving and the Blessing of a Heavy Heart

I have prayed for Makenzy and Mallory since before they were born.  Many of these prayers have been for their health, for their safety, that they would long for a relationship with the Lord, and that they would know their unmeasured value in His sight.  Through the years, as our family prepared for full time ministry and as we set out for the international mission field, one of the most consistent petitions I have lifted up on their behalf has been for protected hearts.  Inspired by Proverbs 4:23, this prayer even became a common request when people kindly asked how they could pray for us.  In one week, the life that our family has known for the past several years will be over.   The ministry here in Guatemala has been a family venture and my girls have been “all in” from the start.   They have had amazing experiences, willingly jumped into unusual opportunities and simply been resilient through the many ups and downs of being an MK (missionary kid). ...

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