Catching up....

It is hard to believe that we have been here in Guatemala for nearly four months.  Some days have been filled with non-stop action, while others have required me to simply be still.  I have rejoiced in Gods presence, and been awed by His provision. I realize and am grateful that He is never caught by surprise regarding the circumstances surrounding my life or the ministry opportunities here.  During the last several months we have settled in, adjusted and transitioned our way into a completely new life. 

We have completed our first summer in ministry and have begun our first year of homeschool.  We have seen sad human conditions and have had the privilege of meeting physical needs while sharing about the love of Jesus.  We have learned a lot about service and what it means to be humble.  We have experienced praise and worship that isn’t confined by language or culture.  I have come to learn that being a “missionary” doesn’t change weaknesses or struggles in the world or in my Christian walk.  I have found a new sense of peace in the knowledge that Jesus keeps no record of mistakes, resides within me and will direct me (if I am willing) through the Holy Spirit.  I have been reminded that God chooses all of us not based on our qualifications or what we can do for him, but because of what he can do through us.  We love our new “jobs” as missionaries and are thankful everyday for the opportunity to serve God full time here in Guatemala! 


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