
A few weeks ago I read the book and watched the movie The Help.  Anytime I learn about a time of oppression, it leads me to consider who I would be and the personal character I would have displayed during that time in history.  Everyone likes to believe they would be one of the few courageous people that stood up, spoke out and made a difference for people within their reach.  But that isn’t realistic for all of us.  If the bold stance was easy, and the “right” view obvious, our history books would read differently. 

After watching the movie myself, Charles and I decided to let the girls watch it as well.  Throughout the movie I claimed teachable moments and continually said “See girls, the right thing is not always the easy thing”,  “sometimes other people are left to deal with the consequences of who we choose to be in a situation,” and “sometimes, saying nothing at a moment that you should speak up, defines who you really are.”  

These types of defining moments happened throughout history and many are recorded in the Bible.  Esther and Mordecai were courageous during a time of oppression for the Jews.  Moses was courageous during a time of oppression for the Israelites. Jesus showed courage and character daily in going against the crowd by his actions toward the adulterous woman, his healing of lepers, and his socializing with tax collectors.

The truth is, these defining moments are happening all the time.  While the situation may not be as dire as those I have mentioned above, these defining moments come in all of our lives.  Each of us have had and will continue to have opportunities to make a bold stance and will sometimes even find ourselves in situations where we are dependent on the character and actions of another person. In Numbers 14, the Bible describes Caleb as having a “different spirit”.   In John 15:19, John 17:14 and 1 John 3:13, the Bible tells us that as Christians we are to stand apart and that the truth will often not be popular with the world.

I have begun to pray more diligently for discernment in awkward situations and the boldness to do the right thing when it isn’t easy.  I am praying for wisdom and courage in areas where my character and actions determine consequences for others.  Above all, I desire to have a “different spirit” that is pleasing to God during the defining moments of my life. 


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